Tuesday 27 September 2016

B-Vitamins are vital

Most of us suffer from deficiency the vitamins mainly B-Vitamins.

Types of Vitamin-B
There are 8 classes of B-Vitamins, which; all are water-soluble vitamins. Though all 8 classes are chemically different in nature, altogether their presence is in similar kinds of foods, they are grouped as B-Vitamins. Supplement that consists of all the 8 vitamins is called Vitamin- B complex.
Vitamin B1-Thiamine
Vitamin B2-Riboflavin
Vitamin B3- Niacin
Vitamin B5- Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6- Pyridoxine
Vitamin B7-Biotin
Vitamin B9-Folic acid
Vitamin B12- Cobalmin.

Functions of B-Vitamins
B Vitamins play vital role in metabolism and catabolism; mainly as the cofactors for the activation of important enzymes.
Vitamin B1 is involved in generating energy from carbohydrates and in production of nucleic acids(DNA and RNA).
Vitamin B2 is involved in the breakdown of fatty acids to produce energy.
Vitamin B3 is involved in the metabolism of glucose, fat and alcohol.
Vitamin B5 & B6 acts as cofactors in the synthesis of amino acids, steroids, hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies.
Vitamin B7 plays key role in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins.
Vitamin B9 & Vitamin B12 is necessary for RBC production, cell division- hence they play a major role during pregnancy and infancy stages where cell division will be rapid.

Results of Deficiency
Vitamin deficiency causes weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired vision, weakness, cracks in the lips, mouth ulcers, stress and mental confusion, impaired growth, anaemia, hair loss, skin disorders and cell ageing.

Sources of B-Vitamins
Vitamin B1: Green vegetable, fresh and dried fruits, eggs and meats.
Vitamin B2 & B3: Milk, meat, eggs.
Vitamin B5: Meat, tomatoes, whole grains, broccoli, cereals.
Vitamin B6: Meat, Cereals, Milk, Baker’s yeast.
Vitamin B7: Normally produced by gut living in the stomach, hence; probiotics are helpful to get the required amount of Vitamin B7.
Vitamin B9: Sprouts, green vegetables, mushroom, meat and egg.
Vitamin B12: Meat, egg, cheese and some grains.

Causes of B-Vitamin deficiency
Surgery related to the stomach, small intestine and weight loss.
Loss of immunity and immune disorders.
Long term use of acid-reducing drugs.
Pernicious anaemia
Pregnancy( for women)

Interesting facts
All plants do not consist required amount of all B- Vitamins. Hence, most of the vegetarians will be deficient of B-Vitamins.

Though brewer’s yeast has B-Vitamins but, the alcohol causes difficulty in the absorption of vitamins.

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