Story of alcohol

We often see, where a drunkard fell into gutters or else sleeping on a dirtiest footpaths and  scrap heaps of the country, we even saw in films and often heard in the news where a drunkard beats his wife and children, or else an alcoholic puke out in the party making others irate. We also saw a few men who consume heavy alcohol and despite drives car efficiently and also people die in an accident after taking alcohol.

Why the alcohol gives us a kick? Why the hangover remains? Why alcohol is blamed? Are there any benefits from alcohol?  There will be hundreds of questions in the mind of people and here are answers to some of the questions in the story of alcohol.

Hi I’m called as alcohol by literates, Ethanol by chemistry graduates, Beer, Wine, Whisky, Brandy, vodka, jinn, Champagne, rum and many more names I am being called depend on the growth I’m having (%) and depend on the parents who have produced me( raw material). My mother is yeast and my father varies who donate his sperms in the form of carbohydrate stored in him He maybe barley, Grape, pomegranate, etc. I have different fathers in different parts of the world and depend on the father my name changes and my appearance and my demand too.

I often being consumed by greatest creatures created by almighty, they lose their tongue,  behave hallucinated, some fall in gutters drinking me, some fuck your head, some weep, some talk of philanthropy, some talk of politics and some others behave non-sense and blah, blah.

Why someone gets out easily and some will be stable even after drinking:

Once after consuming alcohol, the alcohol is digested by an our body due to an enzyme called Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), When alcohol enters the bloodstream and reach liver the liver consists of the enzyme called as ADH-I, ADH-I  converts alcohol to acetaldehyde. The liver can, on average, metabolize about one standard drink (i.e. one 12 ounce bottle of beer, one 5 ounce glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of 40% alcohol) in one hour.  Alcohol consumed in addition to these amounts can generally not be processed by the liver. When this happens, your blood becomes saturated, and the additional alcohol makes its way to your body tissues and bloodstream,  and brain where one gets a kick when it starts reaching the brain.

The ADH activity differs from person to person, a person can quickly breaks alcohol can have resistance to more alcohol whereas other persons ADH activity may be less, in such circumstances, the kick will be more rapid.

Reason for hangover

A hangover is a condition which feels un-comfort in you and last for up to 24 hours this is the result of consuming excess alcohol, the symptoms are noticeable by the victim himself such as headache,  dizziness,  dehydration, thirstiness,  nausea( feeling of vomiting), fatigue,  lack of concentration, lack of sleep etc. hangover is caused due to the excess accumulation of acetaldehyde. This activates your immune system and changes  glucose metabolism and the additives and impurities present in alcohol play a vital role  in a hangover, and this is why you get hangover easily when you drink cheap liquor. Actually, the acetaldehyde is toxic to the body than the alcohol itself and it has to be converted to acetic acid before cleared off from the body and the time of the extent of acetaldehyde  exposure to the body decides the time of hangover and this occurs after the effects of ADH is over, and this is the reason why you get hangover only after asleep, especially in the morning.

Why Difference in talking and behaviour

Most of the alcohol is metabolized by liver but when excess alcohol reaches bloodstream it enters the brain and inactivates brain cell (belief is it kills brain cells in not true) Alcohol alters the activity of neurotransmitters such as Glutamate and thereby increase the level of GABA which is inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain which inhibits all other neurotransmitters. Along with GABA alcohol compound called a Dopamine increase in the brain on drinking alcohol and this compound acts as a stimulant which increases the pleasure for the alcoholic. These are the reasons for most of us have witnessed the outward signs of heavy drinking: the stumbling walk, slurred words and memory lapses. People who have been drinking have trouble with their balance, judgment and coordination. They react slowly to stimuli, which is why drinking before driving is so dangerous.

Bad Effects of alcohol

Alcohol decreases your rate of breathing and hence oxygen level becomes low resulting in the killing of many immune cells.  Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory after only a few drinks and, as the amount of alcohol increases, so does the degree of impairment. Large quantities of alcohol, especially when consumed quickly and on an empty stomach, can produce a blackout, People who have been drinking large amounts of alcohol for long periods of time run the risk of developing serious and persistent changes in the brain. Damage may be a result of the direct effects of alcohol on the brain or may result indirectly, from a poor general health status or from severe liver disease. Up to 80 percent of alcoholics, however, have a deficiency in thiamine. Acetaldehyde produced by ADH-I is highly carcinogenic results in cancers in some persons.

Good effects of alcohol

Alcohol will have good effects if consumed little or very little, little alcohol consumption increase the level of HDL cholesterol which is a high-density lipoprotein which scavenges LDL Cholesterol which is considered as one of the reasons for cardiac arrests and like this alcohol decreases the risk of cardiac arrest. Lower risk of diabetes seen in men and women, who moderately drink alcohol. Stressed could be released by triggering stress reduction. The positive psychological effects of drinking in moderation can be associated with the studies that show moderate drinkers tend to live longer than people who don’t drink at all or those who drink in excess.

With all these facts I’m putting an end to my story consume me less, enjoy yourself and be healthy.
